Monday, January 28, 2008

Tasty Treats! (Another Diet Food Review!)

Well, I just cannot resist a tasty treat. These Hostess 100 calorie packs are FABULOUS when you are needing a tasty treat! The box makes the 3-pack look bigger than it is in real-life, they are pretty tiny treats---but still you get 3 for 100 calories, so no complaints from me. The chocolate and the yellow cake are both good, but since I am not the biggest chocolate fan, I prefer the yellow cake. Anyway, they really hit the spot. I prefer these as a treat way more than the "Applebee's Chocolate Raspberry Cake" which is Weight Watcher's Friendly. These little cake treats taste like more of the "real" thing and are less points to boot. So, don't miss out. I am just so pleased that all these companies are coming up with options for those of us trying to lose weight. They are getting better all the time!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Oh, I'm so glad you found these! I picked up the box of yellow cake ones a couple of weeks ago and was surprised how good they taste (if you're a Hostess fan, of course). I meant to tell you I'd tried them and liked them, but forgot - so I'm glad you found them on your own!