Sunday, January 20, 2008

Motivation or New Years Trap?

I am so darn happy! For the first time in forever, I am feeling something rather different and strange. Yes, I am finding myself rather happily surprised. I am feeling MOTIVATION! This is something I have not felt for many years. I feel like we have been in such a state of SURVIVAL mode. It's called "Lowered Expectations." I have felt quite beaten down and only able to handle the bare minimum that comes my way. Definately have not felt up for any challenges. I have heard little words of encouragement coming my way from friends and family for years now; usually related to diet and exercise. People just stopping to tell me the great benefits of drinking water on a daily basis. Or that perhaps McDonald's and other quickie foods will not be providing me or my family with needed vegetable intake! I have dismissed them with wise comments such as "I am doing my best to drink 8 glasses of diet coke a day." Or "Don't french fries count as vegetables?"

That is why I am in a state of shock at feeling motivation in the diet department. It all started by accident several months ago, when I got sick of diet coke. It is true, after about a ten year run, I don't really want anymore! I didn't think I would ever get over that. And, who knows, in a couple months, you might find me once again gulping down a 42 ounce diet coke. But, in the mean time, I am feeling motivated to work on myself a little. I think I am starting to feel some breathing room in my life. Things are still totally crazy and hectic and I am way behind in most aspects of my life, but it is just a strange and very welcoming feeling to be feeling some motivation. I am not kidding myself that this motivation will lead to anything, but I am just reveling in the fact that I am having this great feeling once again! I will keep you posted. I am not going to post my actual goals or thoughts as that will lead to my failure for certain! But I will let you know how things go!

Maybe this is just the "new years trap" that everyone falls into at the beginning of the year; leading so many people to waste money on weight loss products, wasted gym memberships, and exercise equipment. Hopefully, it is a feeling of motivation to carry me to some great destination. I do know that faith without works is dead. So, all the motivation in the world is pointless without action. Let's just hope I can take it to the next level!

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