Monday, January 28, 2008

One Perspective on Obesity!

An interesting article from the New York Times; my thoughts are: "live and let live." I thought this article discussed an interesting perspective, and I thought some of the blogs written about seemed quite interesting. For me, I do not enjoy being fat, and am really motivated and wanting to lose weight. I also have great respect for those who are happy where they are at! I also was amused by the header of which states: "thin people die, too."

Published: January 22, 2008
Correction Appended

For years, health experts have been warning that Americans are too fat, that we exercise too little and eat too much, that our health is in jeopardy.

Blogs written by fat people — and it’s fine to use the word, they say — have multiplied in recent months, filling a virtual soapbox known as the fatosphere, where bloggers calling for fat acceptance challenge just about everything conventional medical wisdom has to say about obesity.

Smart, sassy and irreverent, bloggers with names like Big Fat Deal, FatChicksRule and Fatgrrl (“Now with 50 percent more fat!”) buck anti-obesity sentiment. They celebrate their full figures and call on readers to accept their bodies, quit dieting and get on with life.

The message from the fatosphere is not just that big is beautiful. Many of the bloggers dismiss the “obesity epidemic” as hysteria. They argue that Americans are not that much larger than they used to be and that being fat in and of itself is not necessarily bad for you.

And they reject a core belief that many Americans, including overweight ones, hold dear: that all a fat person needs to do to be thin is exercise more and eat less.

“One of the first obstacles to fat acceptance is breaking down the question of whether being fat is a choice,” Kate Harding, founder of the blog Shapely Prose, said in an interview. “No fat acceptance advocate is saying you should sit around and wildly overeat. What we’re saying is that exercise and a balanced diet do not make everyone thin.”

Ms. Harding, a 33-year-old yoga enthusiast from Chicago, promotes the idea of health at any size (she is a 16). She started Shapely Prose ( last April, after noticing that posts about fat in her personal blog hit a nerve. Since then, it has quickly become one of the most popular fat acceptance blogs, with an average of 3,710 page views per day, according to Sitemeter, a Web statistics program.

People come in different shapes and sizes, bloggers like Ms. Harding say, and for those who come extra-large, dieting is futile. Many of the bloggers label their sites “no-diet zones.” (Don’t even mention weight-loss surgery.)

“You relapse, and then you go on a diet again, and this time you’re going to do it, it’s really going to be it this time,” Marianne Kirby, a 30-year-old blogger from Orlando, Fla., who writes The Rotund (, said in an interview. “And it still doesn’t work, not long-term — you end up heavier than before. And you say to yourself: Why did I fall for this again?’ ”

The blogs have drawn their share of negative, even vicious comments. But for overweight readers, the messages are empowering — and liberating.

“Girlfriend, let me tell you, I am finally coming to grips with myself,” one fan commented on Ms. Harding’s site. “I will always be fat. I accept that now.”

Harriet Brown, a 49-year-old blogger in Wisconsin and an occasional contributor to The New York Times, encourages readers to take her “I Love My Body Pledge” (at, in which they promise not to talk “trash” about “how fat my thighs or stomach” are, and not “call myself a fat pig.”

Fat Fu’s anonymous blog ( has a ruthless deconstruction of recent research like the “fat friends” study, as well as one of the most comprehensive lists of links to the fatosphere, including online communities, fashions and health sites for fat people. The Big Fat Deal blog ( suggests 10 ways to be a “body positivity activist,” including “Be yourself,” “Understand that a lot of people are hateful morons” and “Don’t be afraid to order the cheesecake.”

Many of the bloggers are women whose writing has a distinctly feminist flavor, but there are male fat-acceptance bloggers like Red No. 3 (, who says: “See, I don’t have a problem with fat. My body is simply adorned, and I’ll take that.”

But some experts say this sort of message is dangerous and undermines public health efforts to rein in obesity. “We do have to be careful not to put all the blame on the individual,” said Dr. Walter C. Willett, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. But he added, “The large majority of people who are overweight are overweight because of lifestyle.”

The bloggers argue that changes in definitions over time, along with flaws in the body mass index formula, have pushed more Americans into the “fat” and “obese” categories, and they point to provocative studies suggesting that there may be benefits to being overweight, including a large study that found that underweight Americans are more likely to die than those who are moderately overweight.

Several other recent studies on heart patients and dialysis patients have also reported higher survival rates among heavier patients, suggesting that the link between body size and health may be more complex than generally acknowledged. Another study of people over 60 found that being fit has more bearing on longevity than simply being thin.

The bloggers’ main contention is that being fat is not a result of moral failure or a character flaw, or of gluttony, sloth or a lack of willpower. Diets often boomerang, they say; indeed, numerous long-term studies have found that even though dieters are often able to lose weight in the short term, they almost always regain the lost pounds over the next few years.

Ultimately, these bloggers argue, being skinny may have far more to do with the luck of the genetic draw than with lifestyle choices.

“We accept that some people are tall and some people are short,” said Rachel Richardson, 28, of Cincinnati, who writes a blog called The F-Word ( “Yet we seem to think all people should be thin — it just doesn’t make sense.”

Fat acceptance bloggers contend that the war on obesity has given people an excuse to wage war on fat people and that health concerns — coupled with the belief that fat people have only themselves to blame for being fat — are being used to justify discrimination that would not be tolerated toward just about any other group of people.

“I’m not surprised there are so many of these blogs now,” Ms. Richardson said. “Anti-obesity hysteria has reached a boiling point. Blogging is a way for people to fight back.”

Correction: January 26, 2008

A caption in Science Times on Tuesday about blogs that celebrate fat people omitted the source of an illustration for the blog, which said, “Love Your Fat Self.” It was from an article in Utne Reader about obesity that the blog was highlighting on its home page

Next on my list "to try"

Now don't these look just divine! Since I am not the biggest chocolate fan, I prefer these types of cakes! Yumsters! I didn't see these last time I was shopping or they would've been in my stomach by now! I think it is also "genius" that they make them in 3 packs. For some of us fat people, having 3 gives us that feeling of "indulgement." I would much rather have 3 small cakes, than 1 bigger one. I know, it is frightening, but true. Talk about strange head games going on up there in my brain. But for now, we will try to trick my brain rather than fix my thinking errors that exist!!! Maybe that can be next year. Anyway, these treats are also made by "Hostess". So many great options; loving that!!! It's all about having options!

Tasty Treats! (Another Diet Food Review!)

Well, I just cannot resist a tasty treat. These Hostess 100 calorie packs are FABULOUS when you are needing a tasty treat! The box makes the 3-pack look bigger than it is in real-life, they are pretty tiny treats---but still you get 3 for 100 calories, so no complaints from me. The chocolate and the yellow cake are both good, but since I am not the biggest chocolate fan, I prefer the yellow cake. Anyway, they really hit the spot. I prefer these as a treat way more than the "Applebee's Chocolate Raspberry Cake" which is Weight Watcher's Friendly. These little cake treats taste like more of the "real" thing and are less points to boot. So, don't miss out. I am just so pleased that all these companies are coming up with options for those of us trying to lose weight. They are getting better all the time!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Weigh In!

Well, another stressful night---will the weigh in be in my favor or against me? Our stupid "Weight Watchers" scale that I got at Costco is completely unreliable. My husband and I have both noticed. It will give you mixed up results between 10 pounds within minutes. So, I never really know how it is going to go at "the official weigh in." I wore my thinnest skirt (as to help me as much as possible at the weigh in) and walked with trepidation to the scale. To my amazement, I lost 4.2 pounds. Yeah! Maybe it was the skirt. Whatever it is, I am not going to complain. At least I didn't gain. Anyway, it is nice to feel like progress is happening. I have so much to lose, but it does feel good to be moving in the right direction!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Tip from Todd!

Well, my brother-in-law Todd, has lost over 100 pounds over the last year, and is now a lifetime member of Weight Watchers (Maybe he would be willing to share a before and after picture to help us with motivation; hint, hint!)----he had this tip to share:

These are pretty "BA" on the taste buds!
My favorite salty morsel of deliciousness:

Homemade pita chips-
buy the "Kangaroo Pocket" brand pita pockets (whole grain). One pocket is actually a half pita- split it open and cut each half into 4 triangular peices (yielding 8)

Place these on a cookie sheet and spray with PAM olive oil and sprinkle lightly with sea salt, pepper and garlic powder.

Bake at 350 for about 6 minutes and then flip. Bake for 5 or 6 more minutes until browned and crunchy.

All 8 are 1 point! Pure deliciousness and the perfect fix for a salty fix. I will eat these with a little tuna salad (made with light mayo). Jen loves them with fat free cottage cheese. If you really wanna live- pick up a jar of julliened sundried tomatoes in olive oil and mix a spoonful with fat free creem cheese....That there is GOOD EATIN' as we say in Texas.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Anyone recognize my Sombrero hat to the left?

Only those lucky souls getting to meet me our freshman year at BYU had the lucky opportunity to meet me in this infamous red sombrero hat. It definately made quite the first impression, but not so sure that it was a favorable one. Some days I really miss all that freshman year fun! Great times!

Diet Food Review; Part 2!

Here are some more foods and beverages that make a "diet" or "lifestyle change" not so difficult, in my opinion.


Papa Murphy's De-Lite Cheese Pizza (only 3 points a slice)! We had it for dinner. It was awesome, for a lite pizza. Realize you are not getting "the Pie" by any means, but this is SOOOOO good for reducing calories and enjoying some carbs and cheese. (Much better than the frozen, Lean Cuisine, and other pizzas in my opinion!)

Pepperidge Farm "Chessmen" 100 calorie packs Many of you know, I am not a big fan of chocolate! So, I enjoy vanilla flavors or other sweet flavors more so than chocolate. For this reason, I just love these Chessmen! They give me that buttery cookie flavor without the guilt!

Some drinks I love: I enjoy a fruity, sweet, juice taste---so these sodas fit the bill!

"ICE" (5 calories, found at Costco!)

Diet Rite, Pure Zero Tangerine (0 calories)

Diet Rite, Pure Zero Red Raspberry (0 calories)

Anyway, I am definately enjoying trying all these new products. Some of them are a little more pricey, and unfortunately, my five kids are also enjoying them, so sometimes they don't go all that far in this household!

Monday, January 21, 2008


So, I went to another workout session at the church this morning! I just have to express my frustration. Why is it that when you are at church on Sunday, the kids want to run all over and you can't seem to keep them contained. Then, on Monday, when you are back at the church for a workout session, the kids are cling-ons and cry if you try to put them down. Can't they just reverse their reactions? They can be cling-ons on Sunday, and do the running around at the Monday workout! Somehow, that is just never how it works out! My kids are not normally that clingy, so I was surprised today to have both Dylan and Maddie wanting me to hold them----as I am trying to do the workout. Not much fun for anyone I am afraid.

It also didn't help that Brandon and Ethan are off track now for three weeks, so I had all five with me. Anyway, it felt like mayhem----I don't know if this is going to work out for me! Luckily, I did order some workouts on video, so I should be able to do it at home, when the kids are playing!

Anyway, at least I did get in a little exercise, better than nothing I guess!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

My Hope!

So, hopefully, my blogspot address will be true by next year:!

The Beginning of a Journey!

This is going to be my weight loss diary. I don't want to post this on my family blog, cause I don't really want this to be in our family history when I print off my blog! This diary will contain recipes, encouragement, discouraging moments, my weekly weight loss history, and other absolutely fascinating, scintillating items! I know, you can hardly wait to begin this "journey" with me! Let's just say, I have been growing since I got married eleven years ago. Besides the emotional, spiritual, mental, and financial growth through the last eleven years, unfortunately I have also PHYSICALLY grown, and not in a good way!

Luckily, I have the most supportive, sweet husband, who has never given me any harsh words on my weight. Finally, after five kids (not having them all physically--I just have to admit the truth, and not blame my weight on their births!), I think I am ready to begin this quest of weight loss.

Through the years I have tried many weight loss programs. Before I married, while a sophomore in college, I did Nutri-System and lost all the weight I wanted and maintained that until I got married (about 3 years later). (That was back in the day when they actually had a Nutri-System center you could go to on a weekly basis.)

Call them excuses, but I will state that when we got married, a lot occurred "stress" wise in that first year and those early years thereafter! We got married the first week I started my Master's in Social Work Program at BYU. There may have been better options for our wedding date, but hey, we were in love, and anxious to get married! Some of you may know how that goes! Some of you may not. Anyways, within a month, my husband Brandon was in an accident where our only car got totalled, and his back was seriously injured. Yeah, that sucked. Being married for a month, and having an injured husband, while going through graduate school----NOT the funnest. Then, he had back surgery; which took 6 months recovery. I will save you all the gruesome details, but that was a rough time for us!!! On top of that, we had to deal with all the insurance, lawsuit, nightmare stuff in order to get our medical bills paid for---$35,000. We had people calling us all the time about the medical bills. My poor husband, he literally was in SOOOO much agony and pain during that time---poor guy!!! Anyway, I got through it, don't worry about me, food helped me out a lot. Yes, I am an emotional eater!!! Within the next four years, my husband got into 2 more accidents; don't get me started! In one he got hit by a BYU truck, and he was on a bike. Not good for his head to get "grazed" by a moving vehicle! He also has a permanent dent in his arm from that accident. You will have to ask him about that one day! Talk about a close call! Then, due to no fault on his part again, he got in another wreck, that totalled another of our vehicles (a nice VW Jetta) and left him with a broken arm. Not great being a computer guy! Also, not great for an emotional eater!!! OK, I admit, I am giving out a lot of excuses for my weight! Hey, it makes me feel better!!!

I also tried LA Weight Loss about 3-4 years ago, and lost 35 pounds. However, it was such a rough go. It was basically the no-carb solution, and it was an every day struggle. I finally couldn't take it anymore. Way too extreme for me! Then, I gained back every bit that I had lost.

Since then, I have been fairly accepting of my weight, although I laugh thinking I have "body dysmorphic disorder" the other way! Most people imagine themselves being fatter than they are, uglier than they are. Not me! I imagine myself being smaller in size than I am. The mirror is always a shock to me. Perhaps the reason I no longer look in full-length mirror, or own any!!!

So, I bought myself my little Weight Watcher's scale before Christmas, and the journey has began with joining Weight Watchers! I am happy to have a range of choices! I really enjoy that whole "agency" thing that we all got from God, and need to exercise that "agency" thing in the food department.

After a couple weeks starting to deal with my "food" issues, I have also decided to finally begin that dreaded exercise stuff!!! We shall see how this goes! I am totally a food addict dealing with a daily, sometimes hourly temptation! You will hear more about this I am sure! Anyway, here goes!

That way, my family blog will not be bogged down with all this "weight loss crap" that is most boring to many people!

The Alternative Bagel!

"The Alternative Bagel"

OK, I love bread, bread, and more bread! At the Weight Watchers meeting, this "Alternative Bagel" came highly recommended. They say they are hard to find, even at the Walmart, due to their popularity. I guess they normally can be found in the cream cheese refrigerated area of the Walmart. I was happy to track down some of the "roasted onion" variety yesterday. They are only 1 point for 1 bagel, and only 110 calories. I am ALL for that! Anyway, I just put some fat-free cream cheese on my toasted bagel, and enjoyed a bit of heaven for a couple minutes! I highly recommend this product if you are needing the carbs, but want to do it in a better, low-cal, high-fiber manner! FABULOUS PRODUCT!

Leslie Sansone!

I attended a ward workout session on Friday morning, and they did Leslie Sansone's "Walk away the pounds for Abs (3 miles)." I was impressed with it. I love this option for working out! You don't have to take a lot of space, you can do it indoors, and the time seems to fly (always a necessity for me). I would highly recommend this DVD (I just purchased it and a couple others on Amazon---free super-saver shipping!) Hey, it's cheaper than a gym membership and takes up much less space than a treadmill, and like I said, it is fun! (Our treadmill is still living in our garage!!!)

I find it funny that Weight Watchers doesn't call "it" exercise. They suggest you "move more." It is probably smart as many of us heavy people are scared of "exercise!" So, I guess I should say, I will be trying to "move more!"

Moving More!

So, a girl in my ward just started an aerobics group meeting Monday's and Wednesday's at the church. I went this morning for the first time. It is the first time in forever I have taken part in something like this. It felt good, and I think it will help me with my weekend cravings. If I am going to take the time and effort to do aerobics, I think I will be less likely to "ruin" my effort with bad choices, but I guess we shall see how that goes!!!

I am enjoying these "groups" that have started all over LDS Relief Societies. It gives the chance for people to focus in the areas where they would like to gain learning or friendship, rather than everyone attending one monthly generic, waste-of-time meeting for "enrichment". My friend Angie and I just started a "Mom & Me" group and a "book club" group. I decided it was time I gain some assertiveness and start the things that I am wishing for around here. So, we made fliers and signups on Sunday, and we had quite a positive turnout to the "Mom & Me" group. It made me feel good that I am not the only one needing friendship around here. It has turned out quite well so far, we shall see if it continues. I would encourage all you out there to start groups in your RS. It can be so much fun and really create a platform to meet and gain necessary friendships in your area.

Weighing In with Weight Watchers!

OK, I was totally dreading the weigh in this week. I was SUPER-NAUGHTY, eating at Tepanyaki, and even getting double noodles; among other naughty choices. I am thinking maybe my naughtiness will show up next week! I was shocked; even with my naughtiness I lost 2.6 pounds. I think my body is just a week off. I have got to be super good this week! I am feeling motivation, so that is good.

Some Weight Watcher tips:

I even asked them tonight to confirm: the Veggie delite sandwich at subway (6 inch) is only 4 points. I get the grated cheese, get it toasted, and it is divinity! I highly suggest this when you are needing to "eat out" or partake in what tastes naughty! I get one at least 2 times a week.

Also, Taco Bell bean burrito, or soft taco, is reasonable in the point department if you are needing a fix.

A tip that someone gave tonight, that I will definately be trying this week: Papa John's De-Lite Pizza (with just cheese) is only 3 points a slice. WOW! That will be better than the nasty frozen cardboard pizza I had this week from Lean Cuisine, and I really need that pizza fix. So, this is my cure!

Anyway, it feels good to be moving in the right direction weight wise!


Well, I have been very bad food wise this weekend. I am scared of weigh in day!!! That will not be a good day. I guess that is the point, I have to take responsibility for my bad choices!!! Anyway, for lunch I had this Lean Cuisine Stouffer's 4 Cheese Pizza. It is 9 points in WW. Let's just say this. It is definately not "pizza" in the real sense of the word. Second, it didn't quite come out looking exactly like the picture which looks fairly divine. Yeah, this is not the "stretchy, gooey, yummy" type of cheese! It did OK, for its purpose, but left me craving the real thing. Although that might be a result of making bad choices this weekend!!!

Lettuce Wraps! INCREDIBLE!

I so know you wanted to know what I was having for lunch. Okami Lettuce Wraps from Costco (just added more chicken for all the kids! And didn't add their crispy rice noodles and dipping sauce!) SO YUMMY! They come in twin packs, I know what I am eating tomorrow. They even come with the lettuce! I feel full and it was SOOOOO tasty!

A Great Refreshing Treat!

Here is another fabulous, refreshing treat! They are a little pricey (at costco!) but are a fabulous refresher! At 2 points, it is hard to go wrong, and like I said, there is something about that pink grapefruit that adds a little zing to the day and is very refreshing!

Weighing In!

Well, I went to Weight Watchers last night for my weigh in! I lost 7 lbs. SWEET! I am sure my body was in shock this week from having started this new regiment! It felt good to have that success, even though I did have naughty moments this week like Cheese Fries at Training Table. The difference though, I didn't eat anything else, and shared them with my friend Shauna. I am trying to make better choices, still not making GREAT choices! In time we will get there. The WW meeting was quite amusing. This lady started out by telling us what not to eat: Carls Jr. Taco Salad! She thought it wouldn't be so bad, when she got home, she looked it up, and it is 28 points! She was upset because she could've eaten 2 Big Macs for all those points! So, beware of some of those "salads" at fast food restaurants, especially if they have that "shell" that you can eat (that alone was 10 points I think!). Some good little tips, I am scared for this week, my body is now more used to this regiment and is not going to do as well this week! So, I have to do better at tracking all my points.

Diet Food Review

I decided this week to taste test a variety of "diet" snack foods so that I know what I can count on when I am needing an evil treat! With all that I purchased, I should have snacks for the next couple months! So, here are my reviews on some of them:

Weight Watchers Blueberry Muffins: 3 points (Divine!) I love blueberries and occasionally need my bakery naughtiness! This fits for me!

Cheetos Asteroids (they come in the 100 calorie packs!) These are the devil and do taste like Cheetos. Divine if you are needing to sin!

Doritos (100 calorie pack: They taste like the real thing, and probably are, that is why you get about 5; just kidding! But, they are tasty and also perfect for a fix. At 2 points, is affordable for a snack!

Haven't tried the Sun Chips yet!

The Hershey's and Reese's 100 calorie packs? The Reese's Peanut Butter snacksters are divine and only 2 points (I think!) They are great if you are wanting peanut butter naughtiness. Not being a big chocolate fan I have not touched the Hershey's one, but can imagine they are great for the chocolate fix!

The Ritz Snack Mixes----they have several varieties---the new Extra Cheese mix is the only way to go in my opinion. The others aren't as scrumptious and not worth the points in my opinion.

The Snackwell's Creme Sandwiches are delicious (a favorite treat of mine) but you only get 2 cookies for 2 points!

I have heard FABULOUS things about the Fiber One bar (oats & peanut butter). Only 2 points, I have heard they are delicious and fabulous! And TONS of fiber if you are needing some regularity!

The Keebler Fudge Shoppe Mini Fudge Stripe Cookies (100 Calorie Right Bites) are divine. Also, suggested to me, and fabulous at only 2 points a bag!

Costco has a four-pack of "Natural Request" Lean Entree meals. They are 7 points for Weight Watchers. I had the "Sesame Chicken" entree tonight, when everyone else had lasagna. Not being a big chicken fan, I was impressed and thought it was pretty good! I would definately recommend these meals!

Not to beat a dead horse, but a Costco membership is so helpful. You can get the big boxes of the Doritos, Sun Chips, and Cheetos Asteroid 100 Calorie Packs, and also the big boxes of the Reeses and Nestle 100 Calorie Snacksters! A great value!
And great for those cravings!

Best Salty Snack

The best salty snack ever (100 Calorie Right Bites: Extra Cheddar party mix)
The choices! (Don't waste your money on the 100 calorie Pringles; unless you like salty cardboard!)
I definately have salt cravings---need that fix! So, for those like myself, but needing something low cal and Weight Watchers friendly, try out 100 Calorie Right Bites (Extra Cheddar Party Mix) by Cheez-It! It is so tasty and good, only 2 points (as long as my math is correct), and only 100 calories! That means you could eat about 12 of these a day and be OK (if that is all that you eat!) Just kidding! But they are divine. I think it is about getting that "EXTRA CHEDDAR" since I am also a cheese addict. Maybe that has something to do with my weight issue!

On the other hand, the Pringles (100 calorie) chips are not too tasty; at all! If needing a salt fix, definately grab the "Extra Cheddar Party Mix". Best 100 calories ever made!

I know, I am also frightened that I am now taking pictures of food.

What kills me in losing weight? The weekends. I just feel like I deserve something naughty on weekends. I need to get over this really bad habit and thinking error!

OK, I did it!

OK, I wasn't going to tell you for fear of failure, but I just can't keep my mouth shut. Tonight I went and joined Weight Watchers. I am feeling very positive and like this is doable. I really need that! I am very excited. It's all about POINTS, POINTS, and more points. Many of my in-laws have successfully completed Weight Watchers; so now I need your little tips; like what foods are good for the cravings, etc. and are low on points. So, feel free to give me your advice or two cents. I think the main thing I need to be successful with weight loss is accountability. Knowing I have to weigh in every week---it puts me on notice! One of the phrases I noticed while I was in there is to become and stay "an after!" You know those before and after shots? That is a good motivation, I want to become "an after."

Motivation or New Years Trap?

I am so darn happy! For the first time in forever, I am feeling something rather different and strange. Yes, I am finding myself rather happily surprised. I am feeling MOTIVATION! This is something I have not felt for many years. I feel like we have been in such a state of SURVIVAL mode. It's called "Lowered Expectations." I have felt quite beaten down and only able to handle the bare minimum that comes my way. Definately have not felt up for any challenges. I have heard little words of encouragement coming my way from friends and family for years now; usually related to diet and exercise. People just stopping to tell me the great benefits of drinking water on a daily basis. Or that perhaps McDonald's and other quickie foods will not be providing me or my family with needed vegetable intake! I have dismissed them with wise comments such as "I am doing my best to drink 8 glasses of diet coke a day." Or "Don't french fries count as vegetables?"

That is why I am in a state of shock at feeling motivation in the diet department. It all started by accident several months ago, when I got sick of diet coke. It is true, after about a ten year run, I don't really want anymore! I didn't think I would ever get over that. And, who knows, in a couple months, you might find me once again gulping down a 42 ounce diet coke. But, in the mean time, I am feeling motivated to work on myself a little. I think I am starting to feel some breathing room in my life. Things are still totally crazy and hectic and I am way behind in most aspects of my life, but it is just a strange and very welcoming feeling to be feeling some motivation. I am not kidding myself that this motivation will lead to anything, but I am just reveling in the fact that I am having this great feeling once again! I will keep you posted. I am not going to post my actual goals or thoughts as that will lead to my failure for certain! But I will let you know how things go!

Maybe this is just the "new years trap" that everyone falls into at the beginning of the year; leading so many people to waste money on weight loss products, wasted gym memberships, and exercise equipment. Hopefully, it is a feeling of motivation to carry me to some great destination. I do know that faith without works is dead. So, all the motivation in the world is pointless without action. Let's just hope I can take it to the next level!

माय Weight

I would definately be considered "obese", but I will not give you a number. That is for me to know, and noone ever to discover. I know, I am most ashamed of that number. Hopefully, by the end of this year, I will be feeling so much thinner,that I will be proud to tell you how much I have lost and maybe even that beginning weight number! Until then, you will have to be satisfied with the amount I have lost. My brother-in-law suggested "before" pictures but again, I am too ashamed. I have thought, I would die if I was in "The Biggest Loser" and had to show up at weigh in with a sports bra on. Not so cute on the heavy person. Just know, I am not looking that great in my clothes, I am definately NOT looking great without them. Anyway, maybe I will do some measurements just to know how many inches I am losing. We shall see!!! Feel free to send me weight loss tips, recipes, your story, etc. I need all the help and motivation I can find!!!