Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Beginning of a Journey!

This is going to be my weight loss diary. I don't want to post this on my family blog, cause I don't really want this to be in our family history when I print off my blog! This diary will contain recipes, encouragement, discouraging moments, my weekly weight loss history, and other absolutely fascinating, scintillating items! I know, you can hardly wait to begin this "journey" with me! Let's just say, I have been growing since I got married eleven years ago. Besides the emotional, spiritual, mental, and financial growth through the last eleven years, unfortunately I have also PHYSICALLY grown, and not in a good way!

Luckily, I have the most supportive, sweet husband, who has never given me any harsh words on my weight. Finally, after five kids (not having them all physically--I just have to admit the truth, and not blame my weight on their births!), I think I am ready to begin this quest of weight loss.

Through the years I have tried many weight loss programs. Before I married, while a sophomore in college, I did Nutri-System and lost all the weight I wanted and maintained that until I got married (about 3 years later). (That was back in the day when they actually had a Nutri-System center you could go to on a weekly basis.)

Call them excuses, but I will state that when we got married, a lot occurred "stress" wise in that first year and those early years thereafter! We got married the first week I started my Master's in Social Work Program at BYU. There may have been better options for our wedding date, but hey, we were in love, and anxious to get married! Some of you may know how that goes! Some of you may not. Anyways, within a month, my husband Brandon was in an accident where our only car got totalled, and his back was seriously injured. Yeah, that sucked. Being married for a month, and having an injured husband, while going through graduate school----NOT the funnest. Then, he had back surgery; which took 6 months recovery. I will save you all the gruesome details, but that was a rough time for us!!! On top of that, we had to deal with all the insurance, lawsuit, nightmare stuff in order to get our medical bills paid for---$35,000. We had people calling us all the time about the medical bills. My poor husband, he literally was in SOOOO much agony and pain during that time---poor guy!!! Anyway, I got through it, don't worry about me, food helped me out a lot. Yes, I am an emotional eater!!! Within the next four years, my husband got into 2 more accidents; don't get me started! In one he got hit by a BYU truck, and he was on a bike. Not good for his head to get "grazed" by a moving vehicle! He also has a permanent dent in his arm from that accident. You will have to ask him about that one day! Talk about a close call! Then, due to no fault on his part again, he got in another wreck, that totalled another of our vehicles (a nice VW Jetta) and left him with a broken arm. Not great being a computer guy! Also, not great for an emotional eater!!! OK, I admit, I am giving out a lot of excuses for my weight! Hey, it makes me feel better!!!

I also tried LA Weight Loss about 3-4 years ago, and lost 35 pounds. However, it was such a rough go. It was basically the no-carb solution, and it was an every day struggle. I finally couldn't take it anymore. Way too extreme for me! Then, I gained back every bit that I had lost.

Since then, I have been fairly accepting of my weight, although I laugh thinking I have "body dysmorphic disorder" the other way! Most people imagine themselves being fatter than they are, uglier than they are. Not me! I imagine myself being smaller in size than I am. The mirror is always a shock to me. Perhaps the reason I no longer look in full-length mirror, or own any!!!

So, I bought myself my little Weight Watcher's scale before Christmas, and the journey has began with joining Weight Watchers! I am happy to have a range of choices! I really enjoy that whole "agency" thing that we all got from God, and need to exercise that "agency" thing in the food department.

After a couple weeks starting to deal with my "food" issues, I have also decided to finally begin that dreaded exercise stuff!!! We shall see how this goes! I am totally a food addict dealing with a daily, sometimes hourly temptation! You will hear more about this I am sure! Anyway, here goes!

That way, my family blog will not be bogged down with all this "weight loss crap" that is most boring to many people!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Thanks for sharing your feelings and your journey. I think most of us can truly relate...I know I can. I wish I had as much motivation to get going on making changes in my life! Do you have a Weight Watchers cookbook? If not, I have an extra one you could have.