Monday, January 21, 2008


So, I went to another workout session at the church this morning! I just have to express my frustration. Why is it that when you are at church on Sunday, the kids want to run all over and you can't seem to keep them contained. Then, on Monday, when you are back at the church for a workout session, the kids are cling-ons and cry if you try to put them down. Can't they just reverse their reactions? They can be cling-ons on Sunday, and do the running around at the Monday workout! Somehow, that is just never how it works out! My kids are not normally that clingy, so I was surprised today to have both Dylan and Maddie wanting me to hold them----as I am trying to do the workout. Not much fun for anyone I am afraid.

It also didn't help that Brandon and Ethan are off track now for three weeks, so I had all five with me. Anyway, it felt like mayhem----I don't know if this is going to work out for me! Luckily, I did order some workouts on video, so I should be able to do it at home, when the kids are playing!

Anyway, at least I did get in a little exercise, better than nothing I guess!


Carli said...

That's how it always works. Preston is so out of control on Sunday's that i don't even want to take him! He cannot sit still during sacrament. That's why we always sit at the very back! I should be doing this diet with you. I need to loose at least 80 lbs! (OUCH)!!!

Jennifer Crawford said...

At least you made the attempt- you probably burned as many calories fighting the kids and getting all five of them to the church and home! You need to get a pedometer and it would surprise you how much you are really doing!