Monday, February 4, 2008


Well, due to our trip to Texas on Thursday, I weighed in a little earlier than usual, on last Wednesday, January 30th. Luckily, I did lose a little weight, but unfortunately it was just that----A TINY BIT! Last week I only lost .40 of a pound.

Anyway, I don't think my trip to Texas helped me in the weight loss arena; we shall see how bad off I am later on this week. I have to be REALLY good this week to make up for the bad weekend. I need to drink lots of water and my brother and sister-in-law suggested a fruit flush today. Basically by eating all fruit, your body flushes out some of those bad choices from the weekend. I did eat grapefruit, but I didn't have any other fruit in the house--so wasn't able to do that completely. Anyway, I have almost been doing this Weight Watchers thing for a month and am happy to have lost 14 pounds in that time. My goal is to lose 10 pounds a month on average. I have got to get motivated to be really good, and really need to add exercise to my regiment!!! I have the tapes, I am just avoiding doing the walking. Tomorrow I HAVE to do it!

1 comment:

Amy said...

14 lbs is SUCH an achievement! Go you! Totally rocks, girl! I am inspired...maybe I'll try a fruit day tomorrow!

I do love blending up fruit sorbets when I get that sweet fun to throw stuff in & see what you get!