Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I totally gave in to sin today!!! At the book club I went to, they had the darn best cinnamon rolls of all time. They were homemade, soft, sweet, and to die for! I know, it is absolutely frightening how much enjoyment comes from food for me. Anyway, I ate one and a half of the cinnamon rolls and then had a couple little valentine cookies. Really bad choices, I know. So, now I have to make up for it. I guess no food for the rest of the day? Is that how you make up for bad choices? For sure I have to go to the exercise group at the church tomorrow. I think after being "bad" in Texas for the weekend, I am having a hard time getting back to my weight loss program. We are also going to Vegas for the weekend in 2 weeks, and I am taking a weight loss break then, so I am sorta' telling myself lies, like I shouldn't try right now---as I will just be naughty again in 2 weeks. But, that is why I do need to be so good right now, to be able to be a little bad in Vegas. My mind is full of food thinking errors. Let me tell you. I have got to get on the good bandwagon again!!!!! I need some motivation. A picture of myself or looking at myself should be motivation enough, but no, that is not enough for me. The pull of good treats tends to be stronger than motivation to lose weight right now.


Anonymous said...

I am jealous that you are going to Vegas. Kevin was there last week. Say hi to Shauna for me. You are doing so well, despite having setbacks. The trick is not having the setback become a pattern. Go for a good walk or do some sort of exercise and reward yourself with something other than food--a hot bath. I know how you love those. Keep up the good work.

Jenny said...

Oh my goodness, I so would have given in, too. Baked goods are a serious weakness for me. I wish I could offer up some helpful advice, but I'm struggling to eat healthier right now, too (and the junk usually wins, argh!). All I can say is YOU have been inspiring ME thus far, so don't fall off the bandwagon, or you'll bring me with you! ;)

Amy said...

Keep it up, Laura...don't even plan on being bad in Vegas! Come on, you can do it...just make those good choices & it'll pay off! Little substitutions go a long way. Besides, click over to Jen's site & remind yourself of the sexy thing you'll be with the weight off...aren't Jen & Todd amazing?!

Bonnie said...

Laura, this is an idea that our group has been working on. Try not to think of food choices as being good or bad or sins or whatever. Try instead to say, this did not work for me or this did work for me in my weight loss journey. It is just a matter of semantics but it takes the emphasis off your character and puts it more on one of many choices throughout the day. It is a behavior, not a flaw in you. Am I making myself understood? I am not sure if I am making sense but I hope so. It took me forever to learn this concept and quit beating myself up all the time. Hope it helps.