Saturday, February 9, 2008

This Week Summed Up!

Well, I had some successes and failures this week. A success: that I went to work out twice this week. Yesterday I did a "3 Mile" walking workout! So, that is an improvement for me. However, I did make many food mistakes this last week. So, the final result: I lost .2 pounds. Yeah, that is 1/5 of a pound; a lot like last week. However, I am grateful I haven't gained, especially considering our trip to Texas last weekend!!! Anyway, glad to be starting a new week. It is always good to start fresh!!! (Although our romantic "alone" trip to Vegas next week may prove challenging!)


Jen Stewart said...

Hang in there! It's about this time with every goal that it starts to get boring and discouraging and....OK--mostly just boring.

Have fun in Vegas!

Amy said...

Don't beat yourself up! Water cushions the joints to protect them and your probably retaining some from working out. Everything will even out soon...just drink plenty of fluids to wash your system.

You're doing good! Keep going!