Friday, March 28, 2008

Inner Battles

Well, as you may have noticed, I have not weighed in for a couple weeks. I am dreading my moment of truth, and even though I have pre-paid with Weight Watchers, I am avoiding this moment. This last week I have debated many options; some of which have been:

1-Accept I am fat and go eat at my favorite restaurants to make myself feel better. (I know, a little counter-productive!)

2-Get up from my fall and keep going, but realizing it may take a lot longer and a lot more work than initially anticipated.

I have realized that failure is a part of my journey, and probably not a reason to give up.

I have to thank a certain anonymous person who called me today and gave me lots of motivation! This person called me out of the blue and could relate with my situation. I can't tell you how much it meant to hear from someone going through the same struggles I do and to know I am not alone. I mean, obviously, I am not alone, EVERYONE seems to be trying to lose weight, but, generally, not to the degree I am dealing with. Anyway, this person was truly inspired to call me, and I really appreciate their reaching out to me. Thanks so much. Thanks to her, I think I may have the courage to continue on this difficult journey and not give up.

Bottom line, I am not where I wanted to be, but I am doing better than I would've been if I hadn't been trying. So, it is time to jump back on the saddle and get going again.


Jenny said...

I wish I could be more motivational. I'm struggling with this, too. I just love the junk food and can't seem to want to exercise (they took my Denise Austin workouts off the air!). You might try checking "The Best Life Diet" out of the library. The one thing I really liked about it was that you start out with small changes (cutting out a few unhealthy foods and bumping up your activity level just one notch) rather than doing an entire life overhaul (suddenly becoming a nutrition and exercise junkie) overnight.

Marci said...

Hey there,
I am also doing Weight Watcher's and have lost about as much as you have. I haven't been the last couple of weeks and do not look forward to going on Saturday!!! You just have to remember that you are doing great! You've lost 13 lbs. of FAT! That is 13 boxes of butter...go look at a box of butter and pat yourself on the back. Everyday is a new day and we just keep going!!!! Whatever you do, don't beat yourself up over it...just pick up and move on!
There's your motivational speech for today.:)