Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Weigh in

OK, I weighed in on my scale at home (which can be off---so maybe it is) but according to the scale, I have lost 14 pounds since beginning this process in January. I am relieved to have not gained weight. I will weigh in tomorrow again, to make sure my scale is not off. Anyway, that motivates me a little to get on track. I was worried that I might be starting from square one. So, I now have made a goal. I am hoping to lose another fourteen pounds (in the short term goal arena). That would make me SOOO happy. This time I am going to try to do it in a more healthy way. Eating 100 calorie snack packs all day is not all that healthy. I was trying to "cheat" and still get the results. I got some results, but had worse and worse cravings. Also, doing it all unhealthy, it just couldn't last. I will try to be balanced a little more this time. Fruits and veggies will be my friend. We shall see how this round goes. The saga continues (I guess as it has for many, many years.)

1 comment:

Tyra said...

Way to go!! It feels so good when it is not as bad as you are expecting.