Tuesday, June 10, 2008

OK, I have been avoiding the scale, avoiding the truth, for quite a while. It is summer and bathing suits will not be my friend this season, that's for sure. I think I will weigh in tomorrow and see where I stand to begin this "journey" again. I definately fell down hard on my face---and now it is time to face the music and start over. The only thing worse than falling down, is not getting back up. Clearly, it has taken me a while, but I guess I will give it another go. I am scared to see how hard I have fallen down. That will be a journey for tomorrow. Besides, it is night, not a good time to weigh in. If I weigh in tomorrow, at least I should be down a couple pounds from where I am at tonight. I guess I must say goodbye to chips and ranch, lots of beef, and all my naughty pleasures. I just enjoy food so much, and have enjoyed having no limitations on myself for the last couple months.

Maybe I will start Monday to give me some time to motivate myself (and a couple more days to eat chips----let's be real)!


Amy said...


Weigh in THIS morning!!! I {highly} encourage just going for it...don't wait another weekend & 3 more pounds...start now & consider yourself that much more successful.

This from the girl that has only lost 10 lbs since October. I should listen to my own advice. I just know how hard it is...I am a foodie too.

I'm proud of you for starting up again!

Sara Corinne said...

Forget about bathing suit season. This is your life, Babe!! You can do it.