Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Return

So, I finally had to return to Weight Watchers, and weigh in once again. I knew that I wouldn't get good news, but it was time to do the right thing and have some accountability. So, yeah, I did gain 2 pounds----and I really need to actually attend the meeting one of these days, that would be most helpful. Anyway, I am starting to realize that this might not be the year I lose 100 pounds, but I have been doing better overall, and have to look at the positive strides and strive to do better. I just hope I can gain the motivation to actually lose some weight again, rather than hope not to gain weight. My motivation is weak, my will is weak. Not good for weight loss. Let's just hope this is a brief detour. Scary how I have power to decide that, and I worry I may continue to make bad choices. The ugly truth---for now.


Lanette - Never Give Up! said...

Believe me I know just how you feel. The last time I went back to WW (after who knows how many tries) I decided that I was so sick of making a goal to lose x amount by x and not making it. I was tired of failing.

I decided to make a goal I knew I could reach. I decided to attend one WW meeting a week. I knew I could get in my car and show up. That's what I decided to do and it made all the difference. Little by little I started to change. I lost 65 lbs. and 2 years later still at goal I don't care that it took me much longer than I expected.

This is what I beg my members to do - give yourself time to change -stop beating yourself up about losing weight just show up and see what happens. You will be healthier next year as long as you don't give up!

Lanette - Never Give Up! said...

Believe me I know just how you feel. The last time I went back to WW (after who knows how many tries) I decided that I was so sick of making a goal to lose x amount by x and not making it. I was tired of failing.

I decided to make a goal I knew I could reach. I decided to attend one WW meeting a week. I knew I could get in my car and show up. That's what I decided to do and it made all the difference. Little by little I started to change. I lost 65 lbs. and 2 years later still at goal I don't care that it took me much longer than I expected.

This is what I beg my members to do - give yourself time to change -stop beating yourself up about losing weight just show up and see what happens. You will be healthier next year as long as you don't give up!