Friday, April 11, 2008

Bootilicious! (and not in a good way!)

There is nothing like your plus-size jeans getting tighter, to remind you that your "I don't care" attitude regarding food, is starting to catch up with you.  Why do I always have to lose steam on these diets---right before Spring--when I really would like to be looking better!  Oh well, maybe this is the "low" I needed to get back plugged in.  My motivation has been less than low.  After a week (OK, who am I kidding---WEEKS) of eating whatever I wanted, I am finally starting to see the consequences.  OOPS!  I guess I go from here!  I am definately feeling a little "bootilicious" right now, and not in a good way!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I am with you on lack of motivation...I think I just need to focus! I need to get back in it too...let's re-commit!