Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Off for a While

Well, I was failing at the weight loss thing anyway, but for the last month or more, I have been SOOOO exhausted. Listless, really! Finally, I got a blood test on Friday, and found out I am anemic. So, I am officially taking some time off to get myself normalized before I try to lose weight---so you will see me back up and running when this anemia is taken care of. Let's hope that is SOON!


Sara Corinne said...

Ok, I dont know you but I stumbled across your blog through my cousin's wife Sally's blog. Anyway, I feel like I could know you because I too have huge food/eating/body issues. I've struggled with it my entire life, I had a pretty serious eating disorder among a whole bunch of other problems... and I'm here to report that I'm healthier and most stable than I've ever been. [i need people to give me tough truthful love often] Please let me give you some tough love: being anemic is not a big deal, and most women will experience a time of low iron at some point in their lives. Using this as an excuse to put off eating well really only falls in that category of "BS excuses we make up for ourselves". If you're eating a bunch of crap food and not paying attention to nutrition then this will only make the situation worse. Iron suppliments are no fun. Neither is a possible laxative dependency that could follow. I'd suggest a eating at least 5 fresh fruits/veggies a day. AT LEAST. And cut out the diet drinks and train your palatte to love water. If iron is a problem your doctor talked to you about, then go with the dark green leafy stuff. Truth is, if you're low in iron you're probably lacking a buch of other important nutrients. This could be the result of your body not having iron stores because you've been eating junk for the past few years. And, lately you've depleted those iron stores even more because you've been super restrictive and concerned about low-cal, low-fat, etc., and not concerned with what vitamins and minerals you're putting in your body... Anyway, the best encouragment I have gotten is to really change my attitude and understanding of food. Food is not the enemy--we are.
Personally, I like not owning a scale or having had weighed myself in, oh, two or three years. Ironically during this time I've been the healthiest STABLE weight ever. Take some pressure off yourself. It starts from within :) you can do it. Keep your head up girl.

Laura said...

Sara, you are totally right with all you said---I think my body has been totally deprived of good nutrients. The problem for the time being, is I have had no energy, the iron pills make me so nauseous, I also have been dizzy and light-headed. During this time I need to be healthy with my food choices, but I am not going to be "trying to lose weight." I have just got to stabilize myself---the nausea, exhaustion, light headedness, dizziness, is really a problem in being able to be a functional human being. I am starting to feel better---but I have been in no condition to worry about Weight Watchers points. But yeah, I think that was part of the problem. In dieting, I was not eating the nutrients my body needed, I was eating lots of 100 calorie packs of junk food. I also eat lots of junk and soda, so yeah, I think my body was basically not pleased. So, I need a new game plan when I am up and running again---to eat right and not try to take short cuts to lose the weight.

Sara Corinne said...

Yes-You've got it! I was worried my comment might offend you, so I'm relieved you werent. Like I said, I treasure the tough love I often receive, especially from those that go through the same stuff. There's something really magical about a supportive community of people who've been through similiar issues.
Anyway, I could go on forever about how our society's attitude towards food, bodies, women, etc. is hugely to blame for how screwed up our diets have gotten. Like how somewhere along the way we've been conditioned to believe eating WW 100 calorie packs and diet cokes is heatlhy. But whatever, when WE start taking ownership for our health the solution begins.

You can totally get healthy, you're young, beautiful, lovely healthy family. I'm optimistic for you : )

PS about those iron pills, a doctor had me taking them when I was a teenager. They're nasty on so many levels. Dizziness quesiness, constipation. Bleck. As I frequently say in gest, I'm not a doctor, just a bartender, but my two-cents is to back off from suppliments and srtive to get your iron from actual food. Research indicates that our bodies don't absorb all this fortified or supplimental stuff. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. If the pills make you sick, your body is tyring to tell you something. We were designed a certain way, right? It's easier to work WITH that divine design as opposed to working against it. Make sense?